kiall / android-tvheadend

Android + TV Headend + TV Input Framework
Apache License 2.0
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DVR playback #235

Open markcs opened 6 years ago

markcs commented 6 years ago

I downloaded the latest develop build from here:

I enabled the DVR Support (I know it says not to do this!) and I see the recordings which is great. However, when I try to play the recording, I just get a blank screen. Nothing actually starts playing.

I can confirm that I can play the recorded file through the TVH web interface. Is this a known limitation of the develop build, or something with my setup?

I see playWhenReady:true playbackState:idle window:0 in the debug text view.

Benoire commented 6 years ago

I've got the same issue, it won't let me playback anything recorded unless it was recorded when live channels was running and I just switched to the recorded tv; coming back in later presents a blank screen.

I've also got the issue that FFW/RW will not work, it states unsupported but pause / play and full skip to start or end is fine.

xi784 commented 6 years ago

This happens because of an mediaExtractor/codec issue in code.

You can try to use a streaming-profile for recordings in tvheadend.


FFW/RW are not implemented now.

markcs commented 6 years ago

Hm, I must be doing something wrong. My screen also looks different as I'm using HTS Tvheadend 4.3.

Anyway, I created a recording profile (called 'recording') in TVHeadend, which I think was the same as yours. In the android-tvheadend app, I set the same profile name (recording) in the HTSP Stream Profile.

When I select to play the recording, I do not see anything in the TVHeadend logfile.

Ideas? Thanks

EDIT: I forgot to change the Stream Profile used in the 'Recording; -> Digital Video Recorder Profiles' section. All good now.


xi784 commented 6 years ago

Thats it! You need to change it there too - no need for changing htsp profile in Live Channels app.

I also recommend to use stable build of tvheadend (4.2.5.) for use with live channels app.


xeroiv commented 6 years ago

On the dev build can you start/schedule a recording from the live channels application? Sony forgot/didn't impliment native DVR capabilities for their North American Bravia models and I was looking for solutions around this.