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The Massive Dev Chart for Android #18

Open kianryan opened 1 year ago

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Written on 18/11/2010 12:14:36


kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Andrew Disley on 23/03/2009 18:45:23

Congrats on your first App, will you be released it on the App Store?

Love the icon.

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by kianryan on 23/03/2009 18:57:36

It is indeed an icon made of most awesome win. The designer is highly talented.

It's already up and live on Android Marketplace, we've got 260+ "active" downloads already (users who've installed it and not uninstalled it).

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Joseph Le Brech on 15/04/2009 11:59:28

Wow you've made an android app :S what have I been doing :(

My JQuery based RTS sucks compared to this.

All the best Kian.

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by kianryan on 15/04/2009 23:46:42

This app was peanuts compared to what you had planned. Most of the work involved on this was data wrangling, attempting to iron out some of problems with the original data provided by DigitalTruth.

Get past that and the rest was easy :-)

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Joseph Le Brech on 16/04/2009 22:23:35

I need a new laptop to get proper testing done for an android app to be viable, I had an interview for a dev job this week, I hope it goes well. If you have any subcontracting work needing to be done you know who to call :)

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by gumanow on 21/05/2009 19:40:33

I just downloaded the app last night and love it. I just moved to a warmer climate so now warm temperature development is a real issue for me. I was hoping that the Temp/Time function would work, but it's greyed out. I now have to access the digitaltruth website in order to get the converted time. Is there something that I'm not doing to get this feature? I paid my money for it, but it seems diabled.


kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by kianryan on 22/05/2009 08:55:57

Hi there,

I think you're referring to the iPhone version the the Massive Dev chart. I don't work for or with Digital Truth, they simply provide me with the data to ship with the application. You'll need to address your query to Digital Truth here:

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Stephen on 24/05/2009 22:51:42

Wow this is cool just what I need

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Amanda on 24/09/2009 19:57:29

I don't know how different the Symbian and Android platforms are, but what are the chances of getting the Massive Dev chart for the Nokia n97?

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by kianryan on 25/09/2009 12:55:35

The platforms are miles apart (anyone developing for Android/iPhone/Symbian will happily tell you there's bugger-all common between the platforms).

However, there is already a J2ME port of the Massive Dev chart, but it's a little out of date now. The port is available here:

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Luke on 20/11/2009 05:16:16

I was going to write this as my first app for the Droid I just got to teach myself how to program in java and for Android. Oh well, thanks for writing it first! I hit the Massive Development Chart website at least once a week when I'm developing film. It'll be cool to have it on the phone in case my internet at home goes down or whatever.

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Kian Ryan on 20/11/2009 12:23:33

Sorry Luke, already managed to beat you to it ;-)

You're welcome to suggest feature ideas for the next version. I've not touched the code base for the app for a while, it'll be due a revision after I've finished my current application.

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by ben on 12/12/2009 18:06:24

How do I buy this for my new Motorola Android? I tried your site, but nothing loads. This will be a great teaching tool as well. Thanks, Ben

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Eric on 17/12/2009 07:59:30

great app!! a timer like they have it for the iphone would be great!!


kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Wuinny on 22/10/2010 21:34:30


I have a HTC Wildfire and due to the screen limitation (240x320) i can't see all the apps on the market.

Is there a possibility for me to have the .APK of this application ?

Because the invisibles apps works on the Wildfire when installed from APK.

Thank you very much.

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Litbos on 07/12/2010 19:39:34


Do you released it in GPL ou GPL-like license ?
If yes, where can we found the source code, to contribute.

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Kian Ryan on 08/12/2010 09:17:56

The application is closed-source.