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iPad – It’s just a big frickin’ iPhone, surely? #35

Open kianryan opened 1 year ago

kianryan commented 1 year ago

Written on 18/11/2010 12:14:53


kianryan commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Jens Ayton on 08/06/2010 19:16:43

It is true that the iPad is a big iPod touch.

It is also true that the main limitation of the iPod touch as a semi-general computing platform is its size.

Duh. :-)

I think there’s a very good chance that the iPad and things like it will take over a rather large portion of the computing market within five years – not all of it, but many people including some iPad fans will be surprised by how much. The only conceptually different post-desktop OS concept with any money behind it is Chrome OS on netbooks, which is perhaps the least imaginative option anyone could possibly have come up with. (Courier never stood a chance; the death grip of the Windows team is too strong.)

It is for precisely this reason that I won’t go near the thing as long as the current software distribution monopoly is in place, and have a serious problem with buying anything else from Apple either. But hey, I’m clearly some kind of commie libertarian freetard, and not a loyal customer of twenty years or anything.