kianzarrin / NodeController

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PERSONAL TASK: junction transition management #1

Closed kianzarrin closed 3 years ago

kianzarrin commented 4 years ago

TODO list:

-stage 2

stage 3:

stage 4:

step 5:





Image blow shows 3 types of transition when two roads are connected: Screenshot (310) A. No transition: this happens when there is equal number of lanes on each of the connected roads B. Sharp transition: This happens when the number of lanes mismatch but the width of the roads are the same. C. Gradual transition: This happens when the connected roads have different width.


I think the user should have control over which type of transitional node is used (A B or C).

kianzarrin commented 4 years ago

Screenshot (833) Partial success. now have to learn how to deal with matrixes

kianzarrin commented 4 years ago

Screenshot (834)

kianzarrin commented 4 years ago

Screenshot (835) There are so may combinations here about how the nodes should function like, how long the nodes are and how should it look like. but maybe the latter is more relevant as part of paint lanes on transitions or runtime continues junction barier Stretching the nodes is easier than shortening them. Maybe I should introduce minimum blend length based on difference in road width.

I need to write a table about all combinations:

crossings=short length | u turn = medium length
default = middle node -> crossing; U-turn; custom blending length; 
total width matches but pedestrian width does not (default = crossing) -> middle node; u-turn; custom length 
road width has small mismatch (default = crossing) -> u-turn; custom length
road width has big mismatch (default = crossing +u-turn) -> custom length.

if TMPE does not hide forward flags then I should. Also I can patch TMPE to control default crossing, traffic lights and u-turns.

kianzarrin commented 4 years ago

this is how the textures should look like:

middle node => no manipulation needed
crossing/u-turn/custom-length => use segment texture instead of node textures; let hide crossings mod hide crossings
kianzarrin commented 4 years ago

It would also be good to provide options for asset creators to force middle/bend nodes instead of blend junctions. this way CSUR can activate bend segment and avoid this: Screenshot (837)

kianzarrin commented 4 years ago

Progress! Requires: TMPE and Hide Crossings recommended Elektrix road tools for adding new nods.

Screenshot (854) Screenshot (852)

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

looking good!

kianzarrin commented 4 years ago

Updates on my Node/Junction controller Mod No more forward arrows at road transitions. Screenshot (944) Multiple ways of handling road transitions: Screenshot (945) There is also basic support for asym road where asym road reverts direction.

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

Are middle nodes what RWY (Railway assets) call "nodeless" nodes?

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

What happens when there's things like bus lanes, tram tracks or trolley bus catenaries?

kianzarrin commented 4 years ago

Are middle nodes what RWY (Railway assets) call "nodeless" nodes?


What happens when there's things like bus lanes, tram tracks or trolley bus catenaries?

It works as usual.

kianzarrin commented 4 years ago

Picture album: Screenshot (945) Untitled2 Screenshot (976) Screenshot (977)