kibook / pmms

Synchronized media player for FiveM and RedM
140 stars 61 forks source link

Add examples #22

Closed dolutattoo closed 2 years ago

dolutattoo commented 2 years ago

It could be great to add some examples, expetially for scaleforms. I am trying to start a video from a non-admin client, without using server exports, but cannot get it to work :(

kibook commented 2 years ago

There are some video examples, but maybe I can add some textual, step-by-step ones for certain things.

What seems to trip a lot of people up is that in order to allow non-admin players to play custom URLs like YouTube ones, you must modify the default permissions. This is intentional, though, as allowing custom URLs presents some risks in terms of the appropriateness of what is being played and, if any custom URL is allowed, a security risk that can cause private info, such as a player's IP address, to be leaked. Out of the box, non-admin players are restricted to only being able to play specific media you have approved by adding it to Config.presets.