kibsoft / QtMEL

Qt Media Encoding Library
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
67 stars 16 forks source link

QTMEL & MSVC 2013 on Windows 7 64-bits #28

Open Riyadh67 opened 9 years ago

Riyadh67 commented 9 years ago

Hi I'm a quite begnneir in C++ and Qt. I hope anyone can help me with my problem. I've downloaded the Qtmel library and Opencv and libav. I also, set their paths in the build.bat inside the qtmel archive and when I try to build Qtmel I've got error it could not find opencv/cv.h header file. I don't know what is going wrong hope someone can help

here configurations


VERSION = 1.0.0
QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright © 2013 Kirill Bukaev(aka KIBSOFT)"
QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = "Qt Media Encoding Library"

OBJECTS_DIR = build/obj
MOC_DIR = build/moc
RESOURCES = resources.qrc

#only for Qt 5.x
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) {
    QT += widgets multimedia
    DESTDIR = $$PWD/libsQt5
} else {
    #use Qt Mobility for Qt 4.x
    CONFIG += mobility
    MOBILITY += multimedia

    DESTDIR = $$PWD/libsQt4

CONFIG += debug_and_release build_all no_keywords

CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
    TARGET = qtmeld
} else {
    TARGET = qtmel

INCLUDEPATH += C:/QtMEL_FFmpeg/include C:/Users/romba/Desktop/opencv/build/include ./src/3rdparty/RtAudio/include
LIBS += -L C:/QtMEL_FFmpeg/lib -L C:/Users/romba/Desktop/opencv/build/lib
kibsoft commented 9 years ago

So, do you have cv.h inside the C:/Users/romba/Desktop/opencv/build/include/opencv folder?

Riyadh67 commented 9 years ago

Yes, I do have that on the same location.

kibsoft commented 9 years ago

Could you post your full compile output?