kickingvegas / YmsCoreBluetooth

A block-based framework for building Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (aka Smart or LE) iOS and OS X applications using the CoreBluetooth API. Includes Deanna and DeannaMac, applications to communicate with a TI SensorTag for iOS and OS X respectively.
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Problem when discovering services!!!! #107

Closed mohammad19991 closed 9 years ago

mohammad19991 commented 9 years ago

when i tried to get the YMSCBPeripheral services by calling [self.yperipheral discoverServices:nil withBlock:nil]; and then implemnt the delegate method didDiscoverServices, the YMSCBPeripheral services is null but the CBPeripheral services is not null ?? Please Advice!

kickingvegas commented 9 years ago

You should define a block to see if you received an error object.

mohammad19991 commented 9 years ago

will the thing is YmsCoreBluetooth needs a predefined services and characteristics and that's what i dont wanna do!! i just want it to get me all the services without defining any UUIDs for the services or the characteristics. is that doable with this framework ?