kidd / org-gcal.el

Org sync with Google Calendar. (active maintained project as of 2019-11-06)
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[question] bidirectional sync woes #170

Open dmitrym0 opened 2 years ago

dmitrym0 commented 2 years ago

Hey folks,

I've got a question -- I have file, as part of org-gcal-file-alist. I also generate a daily file ( for daily planning.

If I schedule something in the daily file, then org-gcal-post-at-point, sometimes it stays in the daily file and sometimes it is duplicated it into As a result, I have two duplicate entries in my agenda, one from and one from the daily file. Is this use case not supported or am I doing something wrong?

If you look below, the "Another test" task from 17:30-18:30 is scheduled in the daily file, but only appears once in the agenda because ti doesn't appear in How did that happen and how can I make it consistent?

image image

You can see that all events from above agenda are scheduled:
