kidd / org-gcal.el

Org sync with Google Calendar. (active maintained project as of 2019-11-06)
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Error with org-gcal-token file : Not make #20

Open dextarus opened 6 years ago

dextarus commented 6 years ago

Hello @kidd , Thanks for the package, also thanks @myuhe. I have a problem about making org-gcal-token file. I use emacs in Windows 10. In org-mode when try to configure org-gcal, after C-c a a code Google page open and I can get success code. When I enter the code I get an error which is below;

Make c:/Users/dexta/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/org-gcal/.org-gcal-token

Got error: (error . "exited abnormally with code 2")

Got error: (error . "exited abnormally with code 2")

Could not contact remote service. Please check your network connectivity.

Press key for agenda command:
kidd commented 6 years ago


The only thing that comes to my mind is that request.el might not be present (or some of its deps (if any)).

Did you install the package through package.el?

dextarus commented 6 years ago

Hi, Yes I install from package.el. And now I checked the package list and request.el installed as dependency. untitled

kidd commented 5 years ago

@dextarus any resolution to that? did you get it to work?

dextarus commented 5 years ago

Sorry but still same issue.

SutharMukesh commented 5 years ago

The problem somewhere causing because of curl mentioned here this fixed the above error

leaving me with the new one Got error: (error http 400) (error http 400)

after restarting emacs i got deferred error : (search-failed "<[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]")

Fuco1 commented 5 years ago

EDIT: I've deleted my other comments because they were not accurate. Turns out I had some monkeypatches overriding built-ins which break this package. So as usual, it's my own stupidity where the problem lies :)

Sorry for the spam!