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最新版本的ddns-scripts-aliyun 2.8.2-33无法更新动态域名 #1235

Open wolonggl opened 1 year ago

wolonggl commented 1 year ago


200004 : verbose mode : 0 - run normal, NO console output 200004 : check interval: 600 seconds 200004 : force interval: 4320 seconds 200004 : retry interval: 60 seconds 200004 : retry counter : 0 times 200004 : No old process 200004 : last update: 2023-02-22 21:32 200004 : Detect registered/public IP 200004 : #> /usr/bin/host -t A >/var/run/ddns/wxxxx.dat 2>/var/run/ddns/wxxxx.err 200004 : Registered IP '' detected 200004 info : Starting main loop at 2023-02-23 20:00 200004 : Detect local IP on 'network' 200004 : Local IP '' detected on network 'wan' 200004 : Update needed - L: '' <> R: '' 200004 : parsing script '/usr/lib/ddns/' 200004 : Force communication via device 'pppoe-wan' 200004 : #> /usr/bin/curl -RsS -o /var/run/ddns/wxxxx.dat --stderr /var/run/ddns/wxxxx.err -d 'AccessKeyId=LTAI5t8eJwJ&Action=DescribeSubDomainRecords&' --interface pppoe-wan --noproxy '*' '' 200005 : DescribeSubDomainRecords answered: {"RequestId":"596F243B-D769-5187-9DDB-2916775C75E6","HostId":"","Code":"InvalidDomainName.NoExist","Message":"The specified domain name does not exist. Refresh the page and try again.","Recommend":""} 200005 ERROR : IP update not accepted by DDNS Provider 200005 : Waiting 600 seconds (Check Interval) 200027 note : PID '23228' terminated by 'SIGTERM' at 2023-02-23 20:00 201549 : **** ** ** ** 201549 note : PID '4621' started at 2023-02-23 20:15 201549 : ddns version : 2.8.2-29 201549 : uci configuration:

wolonggl commented 1 year ago

下面是旧版本的提交动态更新的日志: 201701 : verbose mode : 0 - run normal, NO console output 201701 : check interval: 600 seconds 201701 : force interval: 4320 seconds 201701 : retry interval: 60 seconds 201701 : retry counter : 0 times 201701 : No old process 201701 : last update: 2023-02-23 20:16 201701 : Detect registered/public IP 201701 : #> /usr/bin/host -t A >/var/run/ddns/wxxxx.dat 2>/var/run/ddns/wxxxx.err 201701 : Registered IP '' detected 201701 info : Starting main loop at 2023-02-23 20:17 201701 : Detect local IP on 'network' 201701 : Local IP '' detected on network 'wan' 201701 : Update needed - L: '' <> R: '' 201701 : parsing script '/usr/lib/ddns/' 201701 : #> /usr/bin/curl -qLsS -o /var/run/ddns/wxxxx.dat --stderr /var/run/ddns/wxxxx.err --noproxy '*' -X POST '' -d 'Action=DescribeDomainRecords&' 201701 : A 201701 info : Update successful - IP '' send 201701 info : Forced update successful - IP: '' send 201701 : Waiting 600 seconds (Check Interval) 201749 note : PID '8378' terminated by 'SIGTERM' at 2023-02-23 20:17

gdzjy commented 1 year ago

同样遇到。 好像是2月19号开始就不行了。 换DDNS-GO就可以了。

fiohappy commented 1 year ago


wolonggl commented 1 year ago



shimaoxin commented 1 year ago


dpy013 commented 1 year ago

腾讯云遇到了同样的问题,以下是日志: 142303 : **** ** ** ** 142303 note : PID '627' started at 2023-04-08 14:23 142303 : ddns version : 2.8.2-33 142303 : uci configuration: ddns.v6.check_unit='minutes' ddns.v6.domain='aa' ddns.v6.enabled='1' ddns.v6.force_unit='minutes' ddns.v6.interface='pppoe-wan' ddns.v6.ip_interface='pppoe-wan' ddns.v6.ip_source='interface' ddns.v6.lookup_host='' ddns.v6.password=' ddns.v6.retry_unit='seconds' ddns.v6.service_name='' ddns.v6.use_ipv6='1' ddns.v6.use_syslog='2' ddns.v6.username='' ddns.v6=service 142303 : verbose mode : 0 - run normal, NO console output 142303 : check interval: 600 seconds 142303 : force interval: 4320 seconds 142303 : retry interval: 60 seconds 142303 : retry counter : 0 times 142303 : 'SIGTERM' was send to old process 142303 note : PID '30208' terminated by 'SIGTERM' at 2023-04-08 14:23 142303 : last update: never 142303 : Detect registered/public IP 142303 : #> /usr/bin/host -t AAAA >/var/run/ddns/v6.dat 2>/var/run/ddns/v6.err 142303 WARN : NO valid IP found 142303 WARN : Error in 'expand_ipv6()' - invalid IPv6 found: '' expanded: '' 142303 info : Starting main loop at 2023-04-08 14:23 142303 : Detect local IP on 'interface' 142303 : #> ip -o addr show dev pppoe-wan scope global >/var/run/ddns/v6.dat 2>/var/run/ddns/v6.err 142303 : Local IP '240e:xxx:xxxxx:xxx:zzz:asss:aaaa:5888a' detected on interface 'pppoe-wan' 142303 : Update needed - L: '240e:5ae0:9963:999f:9989:889a:1dcc:991c' <> R: 'invalid' 142303 : parsing script '/usr/lib/ddns/' 142304 : #> /usr/bin/curl -RsS -o /var/run/ddns/v6.dat --stderr /var/run/ddns/v6.err -H 'Authorization: TC3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=993996/2023-04-08/dnspod/tc3_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host, Signature=' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Host:' -H 'X-TC-Action: DescribeRecordList' -H 'X-TC-Version: 2021-03-23' -H 'X-TC-Timestamp: ' -d '{"Domain": "aa", "Subdomain": "@", "RecordType": "AAAA"}' --noproxy '*' '' 142304 : DescribeRecordList answered: {"Response":{"Error":{"Code":"AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFound","Message":"The SecretId is not found, please ensure that your SecretId is correct."},"RequestId":""}} 142304 ERROR : IP update not accepted by DDNS Provider 142304 : Waiting 600 seconds (Check Interval) @kiddin9

snowson-wang commented 1 year ago




wolonggl commented 1 year ago

可以在 下载旧版本 ddns-scripts-aliyun_1.0.3-12_all.ipk 这个版本可用

dpy013 commented 1 year ago

可以在 下载旧版本 ddns-scripts-aliyun_1.0.3-12_all.ipk 这个版本可用


wuliang365702 commented 1 year ago


dpy013 commented 1 year ago

刚开始我也报相同的错误,后来发现,域名的填写有变化,主机记录@主域名,例如 去试试