kiddkai / atom-node-debugger

A Nodejs Debugger For Atom
MIT License
265 stars 75 forks source link

#234 #242 Changed --debug to --inspect in node args #246

Open MicroCheapFx opened 7 years ago

MicroCheapFx commented 7 years ago

In order to fix #242 #234 , I propose this commit. Also today, current and LTS versions of node are above 8 and need this to be fixed.


skywinder commented 7 years ago

👍 Please kindly check

timkinnane commented 7 years ago

Doesn't work for me. Tried installing the PR as follows...

git clone kiddkai/atom-node-debugger
cd atom-node-debugger
git pull origin pull/246/head
npm install
apm link
apm install

Then restarted atom, went to package settings, set the new port 9229 (5858 was the pre node v8 default port) and my custom node path (because I use nvm, had to get that with nvm which default). Now running my package with node main.js --inspect --inspect-brk and in atom Node Debugger: Attach.

No success. Connection attempt 1 to node process on failed. Will try again in 500. :(

Let me know if I'm doing something wrong.