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tencent-meeting@ decompress error #43

Closed tille1229 closed 2 years ago

tille1229 commented 2 years ago

Out-File: D:\Applications\Scoop\apps\scoop\current\lib\core.ps1:482 Line | 482 | Out-File -FilePath $LogPath -Encoding Default -Append -InputO … | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Could not find a part of the path 'D:\Applications\Scoop\apps\tencent-meeting\\$5\7zip.log'.

Out-File: D:\Applications\Scoop\apps\scoop\current\lib\core.ps1:483 Line | 483 | Out-File -FilePath $LogPath -Encoding Default -Append -InputO … | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Could not find a part of the path 'D:\Applications\Scoop\apps\tencent-meeting\\$5\7zip.log'.

ERROR Exit code was 2! Failed to extract files from D:\Applications\Scoop\apps\tencent-meeting\\$5\weMeet.*.zip. Log file: D:\Applications\Scoop\apps\tencent-meeting\\$5\7zip.log

Please try again or create a new issue by using the following link and paste your console output:

tille1229 commented 2 years ago
    "version": "",
    "description": "Video conferencing app by Tencent",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": {
        "identifier": "EULA",
        "url": ""
    "notes": "We don't persist your Tencent Meeting data, they are still storaged in \"$env:APPDATA\\Tencent\\WeMeet\".",
    "url": "",
    "hash": "md5:68dd01dcb9ae8bc5e4aba09d524c1441",
    "installer": {
        "script": [
            "Copy-Item (Join-Path $dir '$_9_\\*') -Destination  $dir -Recurse",
            "New-Item HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Tencent\\WeMeet | Out-Null",
            "New-ItemProperty HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Tencent\\WeMeet -Name 'Dependence' -Value (Join-Path $dir $version) | Out-Null",
            "Remove-Item (Join-Path $dir '$PLUGINSDIR') -Recurse",
            "Remove-Item (Join-Path $dir '$TEMP') -Recurse",
            "Remove-Item (Join-Path $dir '$WINDIR') -Recurse",
            "Remove-Item (Join-Path $dir '$_9_') -Recurse",
        "Move-Item (Join-Path $dir '*') -Destination (Join-Path $dir '..\\appData')",
        "Move-Item (Join-Path $dir '..\\appData') -Destination (Join-Path $dir '\\' $version)",
        "Copy-Item (Join-Path $dir $version 'wemeetapp.exe') -Destination (Join-Path $dir 'wemeetapp.exe' )",
    "uninstaller": {
        "script": "Remove-Item HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Tencent\\WeMeet | Out-Null"
    "shortcuts": [
    "checkver": {
        "url": "",
        "regex": "([\\d.]+) (?<url>.+)"
    "autoupdate": {
        "url": "$matchUrl",
        "hash": {
            "url": ""