kidpollo / tanker

IndexTank Integration with your fav ORM
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pagination total_results not counting correct #50

Closed marcusg closed 12 years ago

marcusg commented 12 years ago

Hello guys, i don't know if i make something wrong. here is my problem:


89 t = Tour.search_tank "deutsch*" t.count 8 t.total_entries 87

The 8 is the real (correct) resultset (all tours with "deutsch*" in the content). But why is total_entries 87? As far as i understand this, will_paginate uses the total_entries to calculate the paginate links ( < 1 2 3 > ). So i get 9 paginate links for only 8 results (with 10 per page). I don't know, maybe it's a paginate bug, but i use will_paginate at other places without tanker without problems. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

kidpollo commented 12 years ago

It seems there are other people also having problems with pagination. Thanks for the info it gives me a better ide on where the bug is I just hope I get the time soon to work on this. If you feel like taking a dive it would be greatly appreciated

kidpollo commented 12 years ago

I just merged some changes from a pull request done by @adrnai which do some changes to the instatiation logic can you please test your code by using the code from master

gem 'tanker', :git => 'git://'

kidpollo commented 12 years ago


I double checked this. I added a test to my integration suite to verify, all seems working.

It does feel very weird. My test is pretty basic may be there is something else going on. If you execute the raw query tanker generates what do you get back.

my test looks like this

describe 'An imaginary store' do before(:all) do Tanker::Utilities.clear_index('tanker_integration_tests') 100.times do ; Product.create(:name => 'crapoola', :href => "crappy", :tags => ['crappy']) ; end Product.tanker_reindex end

describe 'pagination' do it 'should dilplay total results correctly' do results = Product.search_tank('crapoola') results.total_entries.should == 100 end end end

Try debugging the library

look for line in tanker.rb and throw a debugger in there

results =, options)

kidpollo commented 12 years ago

BTW I released a new version of the gem with minor changes to pagination. I dont expect this could fix the issue but you might want to upgrade anyway.

marcusg commented 12 years ago

@kidpollo, thanks! i will try and say if i got it running...

marcusg commented 12 years ago

@kidpollo, I cleared all indexes and created new ones but the problem still exists. I'll try to find a solution, i hope i'm able to do it because you gem is awesome, i don't want to miss it :)

marcusg commented 12 years ago

i tried it again and it seems to work! (some minutes ago i had a problem with per_page option) but with a clean project it's working very nice! thank you @kidpollo and @adrnai :)