However, there is andan endless amount of ways to do so
By standardizing the
process and documenting it thorouglythoroughly...
Status checks will be initiated automatically upon commitingcommitting to a branch
depending on the
decisions made by the mantainersmaintainers of the repository
Reviews will be performed by at least onone developer for a pull request
Once the pull request has recievedreceived the
necessary positive reviews and has successful status checks
so as to avoid
pontentiallypotentially many merge commits in the repository's history
the new feature will be in the 'master' branch of the codebase and should have been deployed into the QA enviornmentenvironment
[x] /development/repositories.rst
All repositories are namespaced with the organization prefxprefix
An appropriate ".gitignore" is important to prevent against commitingcommitting of files that do not need to be tracked
It is a good idea to reqiurerequire CircleCI for at
least one of these checks
[x] /development/software_releases.rst
checkout a new branch from master in the repository namebnamed 'release-x.y.z'
[x] /development/cicd.rst
This is is where
integration test-suites may be run to ensure that all services cooperate
[x] /data/data_release.rst
After selecting candidiatecandidate studies for the release within the Release Coordinator, the release may be started by staging the the new data
[x] /data/portal_data_flow.rst
If the shape of Elastic Search indiciesindices change
[x] /architecture/index.rst
Kids First uses a MicroserivcesMicroservices pattern when developing applications
and a Jenkins Pipeline describing the continouscontinuous delivery process of the code base
[x] /architecture/services/coordinator.rst
many actions that require potentially long-lived or unreliable requests are defereddeferred to a background worker service via a redis queue
[x] /architecture/services/bucketservice.rst
suffixed with -dr, uses Glacier tier storage to reduce costs of the redundencyredundancy
[x] /architecture/services/ego.rst
the portal has a short exchange with Ego wherein an Ego token is aquiredacquired
Services that recievereceive these requests containing the user's token will verify that the token was indeed minted by Ego by either passing the token back to Ego for verification
[x] /architecture/services/gen3.rst
The indexd service catelogscatalogs files in Kids First
[x] /guides/branches.rst
Kids First uses GitHub flow for its repositories whithwhich release tags being made directly on master
Branches ready for merge in a Pull Request are required to rebase on the latest master to ensure compatabilitycompatibility
[x] /guides/commit_messages.rst
We require commits to be prefixed with a single emoji that appropriately summarizes the the gist of the commit
[x] /guides/pull_requests.rst
More often than not, when using our stardardstandard branching strategy (see the Branches Guide)
there may be situtationssituations where that is not desired
[x] /guides/python.rst
Kids First uses virtual enviromentenvironment in conjunction with pip
andan endless amount of ways to do sothorouglythoroughly...commitingcommitting to a branchmantainersmaintainers of the repositoryonone developer for a pull requestrecievedreceived the necessary positive reviews and has successful status checkspontentiallypotentially many merge commits in the repository's historyenviornmentenvironment[x]
prefxprefixcommitingcommitting of files that do not need to be trackedreqiurerequire CircleCI for at least one of these checks[x]
namebnamed 'release-x.y.z'[x]
iswhere integration test-suites may be run to ensure that all services cooperate nicely[x]
candidiatecandidate studies for the release within the Release Coordinator, the release may be started by staging thethenew data[x]
indiciesindices change[x]
MicroserivcesMicroservices pattern when developing applicationscontinouscontinuous delivery process of the code base[x]
defereddeferred to a background worker service via a redis queue[x]
aquiredacquiredrecievereceive these requests containing the user's token will verify that the token was indeed minted by Ego by either passing the token back to Ego for verification[x]
catelogscatalogs files in Kids First[x]
whithwhich release tags being made directly on mastercompatabilitycompatibility[x]
thegist of the commit[x]
stardardstandard branching strategy (see the Branches Guide)situtationssituations where that is not desired[x]
enviromentenvironment in conjunction with pip