kids-first / kf-rnaseq-workflow

:microscope: RNA-Seq workflow for Kids-First DRC
Apache License 2.0
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🎉 add rmats #31

Closed dmiller15 closed 2 years ago

dmiller15 commented 2 years ago


This PR does four things:

  1. Updates RNAseq workflow for sbpack (all I did was quote the sbg keys)
  2. Ports rmats tools and workflows from
  3. Integrates the rmats workflow into the RNAseq pipeline
  4. Changed the star align cwl so that it can handle uncompressed fastqs. The current pipeline fails during RSEM if the user provides uncompressed fastq files because our implementation of star align is specifically tailored to compressed files and returns an empty BAM if given uncompressed fastqs. So I just made it so if star align does not see the GZ file extension it does use zcat inappropriately.

Part of

Type of change

Please delete options that are not relevant.

How Has This Been Tested?

Test Configuration:


dmiller15 commented 2 years ago

Ok I added the rmats inputs to the common inputs section and added a line about providing the rmats read length value.