kidsneuro-lab / SpliceVault

Transcript specific RNA splicing events lookup
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Deep linking #3

Open ssadedin opened 2 years ago

ssadedin commented 2 years ago

Amazing tool!

It would be incredible if there was a way for us to link to SpliceVault from other tools so that it comes straight up with the gene / transcript and exon pre-populated.

Do you think this would be possible? You might not be ready for that kind of use yet, but it would great to incorporate into future plans.

h-joshi commented 2 years ago

That's a great recommendation.

I'm thinking it should work something along these lines

# Lookup baed on gene (would default to canonical transcript / exon 1 / Donor)

# Lookup baed on gene and transcript (would default to exon 1 / Donor)

# Lookup based on gene, transcript, exon no. and site (Donor or Acceptor)