JIRA Issue: KIEKER-1776 What is the prupose of DependencyGraphConfiguration
Original Reporter: Reiner Jung
I found a class kieker.analysisteetime.config.DependencyGraphConfiguration in Kieker. The big questions are: Why is it there? What is its purpose? It looks like a poorly implemented tool. If it is a tool, is it worth keeping?
JIRA Issue: KIEKER-1776 What is the prupose of DependencyGraphConfiguration Original Reporter: Reiner Jung
I found a class kieker.analysisteetime.config.DependencyGraphConfiguration in Kieker. The big questions are: Why is it there? What is its purpose? It looks like a poorly implemented tool. If it is a tool, is it worth keeping?
In case it is useful, it must be converted to a proper tool and placed in kieker-tools. Also configuration and main must be separated. There is API available to do so and documentation in https://kieker-monitoring.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/290586640/Writing+Tools+and+Services