kielejocain / emergency-response-simulator

A simulator that statefully tracks emergency events and resources to try various response algorithms
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Discuss / decide on how to treat simulation fidelity #2

Open futurechris opened 7 years ago

futurechris commented 7 years ago

The kickoff meeting had a brief discussion on simulation fidelity being adjustable.

So far as I know, improving simulation fidelity is not a primary goal of this project, but we will still need to consider fidelity shortcuts in our implementation. These will also help define what the simulator is doing.

If anything below is a facet we'll want to be able to change easily, then we'll need to architect the simulator appropriately to make that possible.

I'm not sure what the completion of this ticket requires. Perhaps we want to use this to create sub-tickets to analyze the PF&R data for whether any of these approximations look like they're throwing away a lot of information?

Otherwise, this ticket mostly serves as a set of architectural constraints.

Following are some of the facets the previous simulator cut fidelity on, based on my reading of the 2009 paper, "Simulation-based Optimization of Resource Placement and Emergency Response". Feel free to comment with other things you think are important, whether they come from the paper or just occur to you.

In no particular order:

kielejocain commented 7 years ago

I have started a Wiki page to hold some thoughts on how we might begin to organize code to allow for flexibility and extensibility in dealing with various fidelities. It's under the page Product Design. I've only begun to try to organize some thoughts, and I would strongly encourage (if not beg) others to consider how we might be able to solve some of these problems.

I certainly don't intend anything I wrote to be the final answer; please edit anything I wrote there or comment/critique it here in this discussion.