kieler / klighd-vscode

Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Implement an incremental style update action for the LSP #42

Open soerendomroes opened 2 years ago

soerendomroes commented 2 years ago

Currently, when a new model should be drawn, an UpdateModelAction is sent with the entire graph. A way to not send as much data would be to just send diffs that need to be analyzed similarly to the incremental update strategy within KLighD and then applied by the client to the model it keeps stored. This should implement some kind of UpdateKGraphModelAction that includes all diffs on the KGraph elements and also all KRenderings within that. That will also enable to implement better animations that not only resize/move SModelElements (the KGraph elements on the sprotty side) but also the renderings within that for more KIELER-like animations that are more complete than what is currently included in VS Code.