kieler / klighd-vscode

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Implement remaining possible KRenderings and KStyles #57

Open soerendomroes opened 2 years ago

soerendomroes commented 2 years ago

Not every KGraph with arbitrary attached KRenderings and KStyles can be drawn yet. This includes the following KRenderings:

~KCustomRendering, won't do~

And the following KStyles: KStyleRef, KTextStrikeout, (KTextUnderline)

Some thoughts I already had on the individual renderings and styles: ~KArc: should be simple.~

~KCustomRendering: This could be difficult, as the custom rendering would be defined somewhere on the server, where the client has no direct access to.~

~KImage rendering~

KTextStrikeout and KTextUnderline: The needed CSS styles text-decoration-style and text-decoration-line and text-decoration-color are not fully standardized and in chrome only supported using experimental flags (which we should not request). Currently, only a simple underline works, but not wavy, double underlined, or color-styled text decorations.

KArc is implemented now. Missing renderings are updated in the ticket description.

KImages are also implemented now. This leaves only features not used or features not supported by the current SVG standards to be implemented when the time comes.