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Failed to perform diagram layout message not logged in output view #62

Open soerendomroes opened 2 years ago

soerendomroes commented 2 years ago

To reproduce: Create *.elkt file with the following content and create a diagram:

algorithm: dot

node n1

node n2
node n3

edge n1 -> n2

(I am a little unsure whether the graphviz plugin is normally in the language server but we will see).

This may result in the following message:

Failed to perform diagram layout.\ java.lang.NullPointerException\     at org.eclipse.elk.alg.graphviz.layouter.preferences.GraphvizLayouterPreferenceStore.getPreferenceStore(\     at org.eclipse.elk.alg.graphviz.layouter.preferences.GraphvizLayouterPreferenceStoreAccess.getUISaveBoolean(\     at org.eclipse.elk.alg.graphviz.layouter.GraphvizLayoutProvider.layout(\     at org.eclipse.elk.core.RecursiveGraphLayoutEngine.executeAlgorithm(\     at org.eclipse.elk.core.RecursiveGraphLayoutEngine.layoutRecursively(\     at org.eclipse.elk.core.RecursiveGraphLayoutEngine.layout(\     at org.eclipse.elk.core.RecursiveGraphLayoutEngine...

I cannot find the full message anywhere and the encoding seems to be wrong.