kieler / klighd-vscode

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Rotated Decorators are rotated along a wrong center point #9

Open NiklasRentzCAU opened 2 years ago

NiklasRentzCAU commented 2 years ago

When viewing this .kgt, the decorator is rotated along a wrong center point:

properties: org.eclipse.elk.direction=RIGHT
knode src {
    kedge (->dest1) {
        kspline {
            kpolygon {
                points: left, top ; left 40%, top 50% ; left, bottom ; right, bottom 50%
                styles: lineWidth = 1 foreground = 0r background = 0r
                lineJoin = round
                rotation = 180
                decoratorData: xoffset = -3 yoffset = -4 width = 8 height = 6
                relativePos = 0 absolutePos = 2 rotateWithLine = true
knode dest1 {

This is how it should look like (in KIELER): rotation-kieler

And this is how it looks like with this code: rotation-keith