kien / ctrlp.vim

Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
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can't find all files (results parameter setting?) #631

Open solyarisoftware opened 9 years ago

solyarisoftware commented 9 years ago

I'm newbie using CtrlP I installed on a linux ubuntu box.

I have a rails app with with a path of almost 200 files, so with /app/views something like:

││ │└── views │   ├── courses │   │   ├── edit.html.erb │   │   ├── _form.html.erb │   │   ├── index.html.erb │   │   ├── new.html.erb │   │   └── show.html.erb │   ├── exam_imports │   │   └── new.html.erb │   ├── exams │   │   ├── edit.html.erb │   │   ├── esamichiusi.html.erb │   │   ├── esporta.html.erb │   │   ├── _form_esame.html.erb │   │   ├── _form_esame_show.html.erb │   │   ├── _form_studente.html.erb │   │   ├── _form_studente_show.html.erb │   │   ├── _help_validations.html.erb │   │   ├── _iconstatus.html.erb │   │   ├── _index_actions_dropdown.html.erb │   │   ├── _index_copypaste.html.erb │   │   ├── index.html.erb │   │   ├── _index_tablegrid.html.erb │   │   ├── _new_esame.html.erb │   │   ├── new.html.erb │   │   ├── _new_studente.html.erb │   │   ├── _popover_docente.html │   │   ├── _popover_domande.html.erb │   │   ├── _popover_note.html.erb │   │   ├── _popover_recapiti.html.erb │   │   ├── _searchline_esamichiusi.html.erb │   │   ├── _searchline.html.erb │   │   ├── _show.html.erb │   │   ├── show.html.erb │   │   └── show_modal.html │   ├── histories │   │   ├── edit.html.erb │   │   ├── _form.html.erb │   │   ├── index.html.erb │   │   ├── new.html.erb │   │   └── show.html.erb │   ├── layouts │   │   ├── application.html.erb │   │   ├── _flashes.html.erb │   │   ├── _footer.html.erb │   │   ├── _header.html.erb │   │   ├── _responsive.html.erb │   │   └── _shim.html.erb │   ├── static_pages │   │   ├── about.html.erb │   │   ├── help_validazioni.html.erb │   │   ├── home.html.erb │   │   ├── newabout.html.erb │   │   ├── releases.html.erb │   │   ├── statistiche_annoaccademico.html.erb │   │   ├── statistiche_corsolaurea.html.erb │   │   ├── statistiche.html.erb │   │   └── verifiche.html.erb │   ├── users │   │   ├── edit.html.erb │   │   ├── index.html.erb │   │   ├── new.html.erb │   │   ├── old.html.erb │   │   └── show.html.erb │   └── user_sessions │   ├── _error_messages.html.erb │   ├── new.html.erb

So, I supposed to get *.html.erb files just with typing :


With my surprise I do NOT get all **/*html.erb files, but CtrlP always return a fixed list of 10 items ?! :-( and by example do not get the /app/layoouts/*erb files.

reading ctrlp documentation it seem that the default ctrlp setting is:

let g:ctrlp_match_window = 'bottom,order:btt,min:1,max:10,results:10'

So I partially solved setting in .vimrc parameter higher, by example:

let g:ctrlp_match_window = 'bottom,order:btt,min:1,max:10,results:40'

but if I grow results:100 and more, system become very slow.

there is a way to get ALL files matches Where I'm wrong?

thanks giorgio

edi9999 commented 9 years ago

Why exactly do you want to get 100 results ? I'm not sure you're using the right tool to do that ? CtrlP.vim is to navigate between files inside vim. Do you want to get all files outside of vim ?

solyarisoftware commented 9 years ago

inside vim! :-) let me explain better: let say I'm looking for this file (assuming I do not remember exactly the name...):


with CtrlP, if I search digiting:


with default configuration I didn't find the file above. I got just a fixed list of 10 (first) files (found);

app/views/users/show.html.erb app/views/exams/edit.html.erb app/views/exams/show.html.erb app/views/users/edit.html.erb app/views/users/old.html.erb app/views/exams/new.html.erb app/views/users/new.html.erb public/500.html public/422.html public/404.html

whereas the full list of files containing .html contain many tents of files. All in all I was expecting a list of ALL these files matching .html ... not just ("random") 10 items.

So, a workaround have been to insert in .vimrc file the line:

let g:ctrlp_match_window = 'bottom,order:btt,min:1,max:10,results:40'

but the behaviour is not perfect... I was expected as default the list of all files containing .html no ?