kien / ctrlp.vim

Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
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File not found #802

Open shirobachi opened 2 years ago

shirobachi commented 2 years ago


I am working on some big project with a lot of files (about 73k) I installed the extension and look for this particular file it's in app/Areas/Cms/Controllers/Admin/WeatherController.php so I wrote sth like weathcont that what plugin found:

However, when I wanted to share the list of files and removed some files (bc list was too long to share) and tried again plugin found my controller with no problem, so is here some limit for how many files plugin can handle or sth?

Maybe I am using wrong mode?

Thanks in advance!

MadChadJack commented 2 years ago

I've noticed the same in my daily development too.

I first started noticing it when one of the projects I went to moved to a mono style repo where the back-end, front-end code live together, but now I'm noticing it in any of my front-end projects.

I've tried using SilverSearcher for the ctrlp_user_command, I've tired changing the ctrlp_working_path_mode, and I've added more ignores to the custom ignore list. Nothing seems to help.

Even when you type the name in exactly, it doesn't find anything. Sometimes if switch to "mru files" mode, it'll work but that looks through the whole home folder path, which isn't ideal.

parkerjm commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing similar on my side. thought it was the max depth or something, but after setting max depth to 40, CtrlP still completely omits at least one directory from its results. very strange. using fzf.vim instead for now....