kieranjol / pyh264bitc

Create watermarked/timecoded h264s
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in windows, timecode and watermark are on one line #7

Open kieranjol opened 8 years ago

kieranjol commented 8 years ago

seems like bitc textoptions are being ignored, as the timeode is also transparent. here's an altered script import subprocess import sys import os from glob import glob import pdb from sys import platform as _platform

Determine which operating system. Only important for locating bitc fonts.

if _platform == "linux" or _platform == "linux2": print "linux" elif _platform == "darwin": print "OS X" font_path= "fontfile=/Library/Fonts/AppleGothic.ttf" elif _platform == "win32": print "Windows" font_path = "fontfile='C:\Windows\Fonts\'arial.ttf'"

Directory with files that we want to transcode losslessly and generate metadata for

video_dir = sys.argv[1]

Change directory to directory with video files

wd = os.path.dirname(video_dir) os.chdir(wd)

Find all video files to transcode

videofiles = glob('.mov') + glob('_.mp4') + glob('*.mxf')

for filename in video_files: #loop all files in directory output = filename + "" video_height = float(subprocess.check_output(['ffprobe', '-v', 'error', '-select_streams', 'v:0', '-show_entries', 'stream=height', '-of', 'default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1', filename]))

video_width = float(subprocess.check_output(['ffprobe',
                                             '-v', 'error',
                                             '-select_streams', 'v:0',
                                             '-show_entries', 'stream=width',
                                             '-of', 'default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1',

# Calculate x and y coordinates of the timecode and watermark
vertical_position_timecode = video_height / 1.2
horizontal_position_timecode = video_width / 2
horizontal_watermark_position_timecode = video_width / 2
vertical_watermark_position_timecode = video_height / 2.1
# Calculate appropriate font size
font_size = video_height / 12
watermark_size = video_height / 14

textoptions = ("fontsize=%d:x=%d-text_w/2:y=%d," % 
watermark_options = ("fontsize=%d:x=%d-text_w/2:y=%d:alpha=0.3" % 
print  textoptions

# Get starting timecode. In a raw state that requires further processing further on in the script.
timecode_test_raw = subprocess.check_output(['ffprobe',
                                            '-v', 'error',
                                            '-select_streams', 'v:0',
                                            '-of', 'default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1',

# Get framerate so that bitc is accurate.
get_framerate = subprocess.check_output(['ffprobe',
                                        '-v', 'error',
                                        '-select_streams', 'v:0',
                                        '-show_entries', 'stream=avg_frame_rate',
                                        '-of', 'default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1',

# This tests if there is actually a timecode present in the file.                               
if not timecode_test_raw:
    # The timecode needs to be phrased in a way unique to each operating system.
    # Note the backslashes.
    # This section makes up a timecode if none is present in the file.
    if _platform == "darwin":
        print "OS X"
        timecode_test = '01\\\:00\\\:00\\\:00'
    elif _platform == "win32":
        print "Windows"
        font_path = "fontfile='C\:\\\Windows\\\Fonts\\\\'arial.ttf'"
        timecode_test = '01\:00\:00\:00'

    # If timecode is present, this will escape the colons
    # so that it is compatible with each operating system.
    if _platform == "darwin":
        print "OS X"
        timecode_test = timecode_test_raw.replace(':', '\\\:').replace('\n', '')
    elif _platform == "win32":
        print "Windows"
        font_path = "fontfile='C\:\\\Windows\\\Fonts\\\\'arial.ttf'"
        timecode_test = timecode_test_raw.replace(':', '\\:').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')

# This removes the new line character from the framemrate.
fixed_framerate = get_framerate.rstrip()

#all these prints are just for testing. Will be removed later.
print fixed_framerate   
drawtext_options = ("[in]drawtext=%s:fontcolor=white:timecode=%s:rate=%s:boxcolor=0x000000AA:box=1:%s, drawtext=%s:fontcolor=white:text='IFI IRISH FILM ARCHIVE':%s[out]" % 
(font_path, timecode_test, fixed_framerate, textoptions, font_path, watermark_options))
print drawtext_options
print timecode_test
print get_framerate['ffmpeg',
                '-i', filename,
                '-c:v', 'libx264',
                '-crf', '22',
                '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p',
                '-vf',drawtext_options, output])
kieranjol commented 8 years ago

The fix in the previous commit has caused the same issue to occur in OSX. Come up with an if based on OS until you figure out fully compatible code.