kieranmillar / extra-recommended-sets

Extra recommended sets for the board game Dominion
MIT License
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Upgrading CSS #20

Closed squigglybob closed 3 weeks ago

squigglybob commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @kieranmillar

I've really been enjoying playing through your sets on this site with my family. We'd been looking for some crafted sets rather than just random ones and these ones do the trick

I've been using it on my phone and I've noticed a few CSS tweaks that could improve the experience.

If you'd be interested I'd be happy to make some pull requests with some possible changes.

Some places I'm thinking:

Let me know what you think, and I could have a look at it on saturday 😊


kieranmillar commented 4 weeks ago

Go for it! Happy to receive PRs for styling improvements, the site right now is basically mostly default styling. This is partially because it's clean, but also partially because I'm lazy when it comes to styling.

I don't accept PRs for new kingdoms made by other people, and want to avoid importing dependencies and keep things close to native html/css/javascript to keep things easy and simple, but am otherwise open to all kinds of improvements.

squigglybob commented 3 weeks ago

Sweeeet!! 🍬

I was thinking for the above just some basic responsive improvements, but some colours and fonts would be nice too. I'm not a designer, but can CSS things to look nice. So if there were some colours/styles of buttons that you like, I can riff off some screenshots. Otherwise I'll just go for an updated basic style in pure CSS.

squigglybob commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, this is my todo list which I'll start working on for this PR