kierenj / 0x10c-DevKit

0x10c DevKit
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DIV error with EX #159

Closed kirinyaga closed 12 years ago

kirinyaga commented 12 years ago

In following code : SET A, 0xFF00 SET B, 0xFF87 DIV A, B EX should be FF78 (=(FF000000 / FF87) & FFFF), but it is FF00.

kirinyaga commented 12 years ago

Additional info : DIV 7FFF/FF87 works fine DIV 8000/FF87 does not (7FC4 in EX instead of 803C) Probably a signed/unsigned mismatch : 80000000/0000FF87 (signed) is indeed FFFF7FC4.

kierenj commented 12 years ago

All fixed and unit-tested for the next release:)