kierenj / 0x10c-DevKit

0x10c DevKit
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Installerless binaries #160

Closed ThaPear closed 12 years ago

ThaPear commented 12 years ago

I would really like to see a release without an installer, as I prefer not to install anything.

kierenj commented 12 years ago

Hi! I did this once, and due to security problems and a few other user errors, I spent about an hour or two in total debugging/investigating things unnecessarily. That time could have been spent writing features. For example, it's necessary to 'unblock' the .exe and .dll files after extracting from an archive. If you have a proposal for dealing with that, I'm all ears.. but I would prefer to focus on features rather than hand-holding support :)

kierenj commented 12 years ago

Ok, well if you think of something, or can convince me, let me know and I will re-open this :)