kierenj / 0x10c-DevKit

0x10c DevKit
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Problem with plugins in devkit 1.7.6 #211

Closed azertyfun closed 11 years ago

azertyfun commented 11 years ago

I have a problem : in the "Plugins" menu, there is the 3 usual submenus (loaded plugins...), but they are all empty. So, when I open a solution, I have this error box :

Error opening soliton: Cannot apply layout: validation failed

When I go in the properties of my solution, I have this text in red :

Validaiton failed Device type GenericClock was not recognised Device type GenericKeyboard was not recognised Device type LEM1802 was not recognised Device type SPED-3 was not recognised Unable to check number of screens on primary display device; type not recognised

The plugins folder of devkit right has its files into it, but it looks like devkit doesn't detect them...

kierenj commented 11 years ago

Ack, that's no good.

Could you try going to C:\Users\Kieren\AppData\Local\0x10cDevKit (with your username in place of Kieren), and either renaming or deleting that folder or the files in it? They're just config files but that might prove to be a useful clue..

Sorry you're having problems with it! Out of interest if you had a previous version, did you uninstall it first?

qgevans commented 11 years ago

I've got the same issue. It's a clean install, I've never tried this software before. At startup, it flashes a couple messages too quickly for me to read, then says "Finished loading 0 plugins." I deleted both configuration files as you mentioned, and the behavior is the same.

azertyfun commented 11 years ago

First I didn't unistalled it, because I wanted to keep it, but I unistalled it after that to attempt to correct the bug and it didn't work. After deleting files,, the problem is already present I tried to start Devkit in compatibility and administrator mode, but it doesn't work. I'm going to update .NET, maybe it's that ? EDIT : It's not .NET, it says that I already have installed .NET 4.5. If it can helps, I'm on Windows 8.

qgevans commented 11 years ago

Ah, I just found part of the issue. When looking at the properties in Windows Explorer for each of the plugin files, there's a note at the bottom: "Security: This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer." After opening the properties on each file individually and unblocking them, they load. Maybe a consequence of us using the built-in Windows zip implementation to extract the archive.

kierenj commented 11 years ago

That will be it. Damn- that was one of the reasons I was using an installer before. Will have to tackle that for the next release.

azertyfun commented 11 years ago

Ho, thanx heddwch, that's right ^^

qgevans commented 11 years ago

Happy to help :) And thanks for this project, kierenj. Definitely looks like the best DCPU IDE available!

kierenj commented 11 years ago

Implemented automatic "unblocking" for the next version - works a treat. Thanks for finding that one guys.