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Write a monad blog #13

Open kigawas opened 3 years ago

kigawas commented 3 years ago

+++ title = "A prime of monad with Python and Rust" date = "2021-1-8" cover = "" tags = ["Python", "Rust", "functional programming"] description = "Comparison of defining shared behaviors by OOP and algebraic data types" showFullContent = false +++

Python can be seen as a dialect of Lisp with "traditional" syntax - Python for Lisp Programmers, Peter Norvig

All told, a monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor. - Categories for the Working Mathematician


Monad is a fancy word abused by lots of mathematicians and programmers for education or entertainment. You might have read lots of articles or blogs but still have not grasped the essence. That's totally fine because I'm also...


In the fore-mentioned quotes, there are four terms: monad, monoid, category and endofunctors. To understand monad, let's take the last three first:

Monoid == semigroup + identity element

So what is a "semigroup"? The definition is a set together with an associative binary operation. What makes a semigroup different is that a semigroup does not need to have one identity element ε and inverse elements for every element in the set.

Let's get started with the simplest set and operation: positive integers and addition +.

If we add 0 to the set, then the semigroup becomes a monoid.

In category theory, the "set" in a monoid could be any algebraic structure (e.g. set, group, semigroup etc), not just a number set. The monoid we discussed above is the monoid in abstract algebra, however, in category theory this notion could be extended and generalized. We'll come back to this later.

Category == "objects" and "arrows"

A category is a collection of "objects" that are linked by "arrows". This is a rather abstract definition, so here we can just think the "objects" are sets and "arrows" are functions for now.

The term "arrows" are also called "morphisms". If f is an arrow from object A to B, we can write: f: A -> B

Note that the sets and functions here include all sets and functions you can imagine: they are not just numbers but could also be strings in Python.

set_a = {"ab", "ac", "ad"}

def func(s: str) -> str:
    if s == "ab":
       return "ac"
    elif s == "ac":
       return "ab"
       return "ad"

If we apply the func above to every string in Python, the result is always in set_a, so this is a mapping from str set to set_a.

If a function can accept every element from a set A, it's also called a total function. The func above and lambda x: x + 1 are two simple total functions.

Again, the "objects" in a category are not necessarily sets. Formally, a category is defined as a set with three elements:

And the two axioms hold:

Hmm...does it just look like a monoid?

Let's take a simple example: objects are A and B and morphisms are f: A -> B and g: B -> A. According to the axioms, we'll get id_A == f ∘ g and id_b == g ∘ f.

In Python, we can use the type hint to model the category:

from typing import TypeVar, Callable

A = TypeVar("A")
B = TypeVar("B")

f = Callable[[A], B]
g = Callable[[B], A]

id_A = Callable[[A], A]
id_B = Callable[[B], B]

The A and B can be any type like int or str.

Endofunctor == a functor that maps category C to itself


Before we get into endofunctor, let's take a look on functor. A functor is a mapping from category C and D: F: C -> D:

The key point is that a functor not only maps a object A to F(A) but also maps the morphism f to F(f). Let's take another category: object u8 and a morphism f: u8 -> u8 in Rust.

u8 means uint8: unsigned int from 0 to 255

Obviously, the morphism f: u8 -> u8 can be instantiated into infinite functions. Let's take the following two as an example:

fn add1(x: u8) -> u8 {
    x + 1

fn mul2(x: u8) -> u8 {
    x * 2

In Rust, there is a type called Option<T> and T is a generic type.

pub enum Option<T> {

It has a function map:

pub fn map<U, F: FnOnce(T) -> U>(self, f: F) -> Option<U> {
        match self {
            Some(x) => Some(f(x)),
            None => None,

F: FnOnce(T) -> U is a function type, which takes an argument T and returns U. T and U can be the same type or not, and FnOnce means the function should only be called once. Again, U and T are generic types.

If we ignore the FnOnce, it can be regarded as a morphism F: T -> U. Back the the u8 category above, let's see what Option<T> can do on it.

Well, since there is no such a method in Option<T>, we have to implement it on our own.

Say we have a function F: Fn(U) -> T, the goal is to convert it to G: Fn(Option<U>) -> Option<T>:

fn fmap<T, U>(f: impl Fn(T) -> U) -> impl Fn(Option<T>) -> Option<U> {
    move |a|

let add1 = |x| x + 1;
let mul2 = |x| x * 2;

assert!(fmap(add1)(Some(1)) == Some(2));
assert!(fmap(add1)(None) == None);
assert!(fmap(mul2)(Some(2)) == Some(4));

It works as expected. Does fmap satisfy the axioms?

assert!(fmap(|x| x)(Some(1)) == Some(1)); // identity

let fmap_fg = fmap(|x| add1(mul2(x))); // F(f ∘ g)
let fmap_f_fmap_g = |x| fmap(add1)(fmap(mul2)(x)); // F(f) ∘ F(g)

assert!(fmap_fg(Some(1u8)) == Some(3u8));
assert!(fmap_fg(Some(1u8)) == fmap_f_fmap_g(Some(1u8)));

With fmap and map, we can maps every object and morphism in the u8 category to the Option<T> category. More generally, we can maps every object and morphism in any T category to Option<U> category, as long as T and U are legit Rust types (they could be the same). If we combine the fmap and map into a trait, any type implements the trait could be called a "functor".

Unfortunately, Rust has no higher-kinded types, so it'll very difficult or even impossible to implement such a Functor trait.

If you are curious, check this article.


Now we understand what a functor is. As mentioned before, an endofunctor is a functor maps a category C to itself. There could be a plethora of endofunctors, such as:

fn map<T>(f: impl Fn(T) -> T, o: Option<T>) -> Option<T> {

fn fmap<T>(f: impl Fn(T) -> T) -> impl Fn(Option<T>) -> Option<T> {
    move |a|

assert!(map(|x| x + 1, Some(1)) == Some(2));
assert!(fmap(|x| x + 1)(Some(1)) == Some(2));

I hope you feel comfortable with this. Among the infinite endofunctors, there is one special endofunctor with two morphisms called "monad", which is M: C -> C. These morphisms are:

Remember that X could be any object or morphism in the category C. In fact, the Option already has a method and_then:

pub fn and_then<U, F: FnOnce(T) -> Option<U>>(self, f: F) -> Option<U> {
    match self {
        Some(x) => f(x),
        None => None,