kigster / laser-cutter

Similar to boxmaker, this ruby gem generates PDFs that can be used as a basis for cutting boxes on a typical laser cutter. The intention is to create an extensible, well tested, and modern ruby framework for generating PDF templates used in laser cutting.
MIT License
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Changing tab size lead to minor error - a 'finger' thats not needed. #16

Open Nishandh opened 2 months ago

Nishandh commented 2 months ago

Thanks to all devs, very useful tool. Found this minor error :

Implementation @

The error is attached as image. Make-a-box io The finger marked in blue are not needed.

Parameters used : Width :40 Height : 80 Depth : 20 Thickness : 2.5 Tab Width : 4 others : defaults.

kigster commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the report! Try using a slightly different tab width, like 4.01 or specifying none at all.