kijai / ComfyUI-DynamiCrafterWrapper

Wrapper to use DynamiCrafter models in ComfyUI
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Better Prompting (please merge included commit) #22

Open phr00t opened 3 months ago

phr00t commented 3 months ago

For some reason when I try to make a pull request, it wants to remove some code and I don't know why...

Anyway, this is a better way of handling prompts! Now if you have lots of frames and you want a "global" prompt to apply to all of the transitions, you can easily do that by having a "master" prompt which is separated with the ":" character. Then, you list all of your individual prompts with "|" which will be appended to the "master" prompt. Here is a simple example of how it works:


I already did all this and tested it, the commit is here ready for merging:

I handle using the last prompt available if there are not enough + handle situations where no "master" prompt is used. It should be good to go!