kikoso / android-stackblur

Android StackBlur is a library that can perform a blurry effect on a Bitmap based on a gradient or radius, and return the result. The library is based on the code of Mario Klingemann.
Apache License 2.0
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error while importing stackblur into eclipse #17

Closed OlgaGamero closed 10 years ago

OlgaGamero commented 10 years ago

Im having problems with the stackblur library:

[2014-03-12 19:51:04 - StackBlur] C:\Android Development\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130917\sdk\build-tools\android-4.3\arm-linux-androideabi-ld.exe: fatal error: C:\Users\Olga\Desktop\repositorios\android-stackblur-master\StackBlur\bin\rsObj\armeabi-v7a\blur.o: attempt to map 40 bytes at offset 5876 exceeds size of file; the file may be corrupt [2014-03-12 19:51:04 - StackBlur] C:\Users\Olga\Desktop\repositorios\android-stackblur-master\StackBlur\bin\rsObj\mips\blur.o: file not recognized: File truncated [2014-03-12 19:51:04 - StackBlur] C:\Android Development\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130917\sdk\build-tools\android-4.3\i686-linux-android-ld.exe: error: C:\Users\Olga\Desktop\repositorios\android-stackblur-master\StackBlur\bin\rsObj\x86\blur.o: section name section has wrong type: 65536 [2014-03-12 19:51:04 - StackBlur] C:\Android Development\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130917\sdk\build-tools\android-4.3\i686-linux-android-ld.exe: fatal error: C:\Users\Olga\Desktop\repositorios\android-stackblur-master\StackBlur\bin\rsObj\x86\blur.o: attempt to map 0 bytes at offset 196608 exceeds size of file; the file may be corrupt

kikoso commented 10 years ago

Hello Olga,

Seems like a problem importing the compiled files. Can you try ndk-build from the console and try again?

kikoso commented 10 years ago

I am closing this issue. If there is any update please do not hesitate to open it @OlgaGamero :)

ktei commented 10 years ago

Just to put something here in case it's useful, because I was having same issue. After spending some time to check, I found the solution so basically: Open StackBlur/ Find sdk.buildtools=18.1.1

My problem was that I have buildtools 19 fully installed, not 18, so I changed these versions to 19 and 19.0.0, which solved my problem

swapps commented 10 years ago

Thanks ktei, you saved me !