kikugie / elytra-trims

Lightweight and customizable support for trimmable elytras
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
23 stars 8 forks source link

[Bug]: Version 2.0.2 throws an error if any Elytra-related mods are installed alongside it #46

Closed DarthCaesium closed 4 months ago

DarthCaesium commented 4 months ago

Mod loader


Minecraft version


Mod version


Affected mods

Bug description

When the latest version is installed, if any Elytra-related mods are installed alongside it, there will be an error message thrown by those other Elytra-related mods and will the game will refuse to properly start.

Steps to reproduce

1) Install version 2.0.2 of Elytra Trims on Forge 1.20.1. 2) Install any mod that messes with Elytras, e.g. Elytra Physics, Elytra Slot, etc. 3) Launch the game.

Relevant logs

kikugie commented 4 months ago

Fixed in 2.0.3 👍