kileader / BudgetGameRankings

This repository contains files for my Enterprise Java personal project. Budget Game Rankings will be a web app that grabs data on pricing and ratings for video games and ranks them according to user chosen parameters.
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Peer Review 2 #12

Open cvang13-madisoncollege opened 3 years ago

cvang13-madisoncollege commented 3 years ago

Design/Code Review 2

Project: Budget Game Rankings

Developer: Kevin Leader

Reviewer: Christopher Vang

Category Criteria Comments
Project Overview
Which planned MVP functionality has been met? Able to sort product and by price.
What planned MVP functionality has not been met? Connecting to one more API.
Logging framework used, i.e., no System.out.println() or printStacktrace() statements. From the looks of the code everything seems to not have either one.
Hibernate used for all data access. Yes
Authentication/Authorization implemented. Yes
Consumes at least one web service or public api using Java. Yes
Application is database-driven using full CRUD. Yes
Database includes multiple one to many relationships. Yes
Deployed to AWS for public access. Yes
Implements best practices (for example, data validation - front end and back end) Yes
Describe the GitHub history and what it demonstrates about the project progress during the semester. Project is mostly up to date, needed to work with the second api to work completely (I believe it was the steam API).
Describe how peer and instructor feedback/recommendations were incorporated into the project. Understood and taken care of feedback very well, mentioned implementation of unit tests and project structures from instructor and peers.
Other comments/notes Good work so far, a lot done, just need the webapp to be fully functionable or MVP.
Evaluate the JSPs for templating, business logic, data validation, overall look and feel, responsiveness, accessibility. Some working jsps, at the time of peer review, it wasn’t building properly. Was able to see the AWS version, that was functionable, but not up to date.
Other comments/notes?
Java code quality Evaluate the code quality for the following and identify specific areas for improvement (class, method or line number). Be sure to list which code quality plugins/tools you used to assist with this analysis
single-purpose methods Well used coding, all working fine. Nothing too extreme as a super-class.
well-structured project Yes, very well thought out structures, dividing the classes in its own directory.
descriptive naming of packages, classes, methods, variables Yes, can use some additional information on javadocs for certain methods/classes.
classes appropriately-sized (no monster classes or methods) Yes, from what I see. CPD (copy paste detection, meaning are the same lines of code repeated?)
are there candidates for super/subclass relationships, abstract classes, interfaces? No
are any values hard-coded that should be in a properties file? Potentially having a properties file for the values in the Ranking class for the analyzer directory.
proper exception handling Yes
proper error reporting to the user Yes
code documentation Yes
is there code in the servlet doGet/doPoost that should be refactored into testable classes or methods? No, not that I know of.
Unit Tests Evaluate the unit tests, for example:
tests are truly a unit test rather than a high level functional test Yes
test data is appropriately cleaned up and reset Yes
there is full coverage of methods that perform business logic or utility functions Yes, for the most part.
redundant code is eliminated by using set up and tear down methods, i.e., @Before, @After Yes
Other comments/notes? No
cvang13-madisoncollege commented 3 years ago

@kileader Sorry for the lateness, I've been out for 36 hours due to the vaccination shot.