kiliman / mono-symbolicate-helper

Helper service to convert obfuscated stack traces to meaningful ones using mono-symbolicate
MIT License
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Port to Visual Studio App Center? #3

Open justintoth opened 5 years ago

justintoth commented 5 years ago

As Hockey App is being retired and users are being migrated over to Visual Studio App Center, are there any plans to update this Extension to work with App Center?

kiliman commented 5 years ago

I took a look at App Center and unfortunately the portal doesn't show the raw stack trace. It doesn't include the hash:offset that mono-symbolicate uses to map to filenames and line numbers. I think this is a glaring weakness in a tool developed by Microsoft.

In release mode, this is literally all that you get.


I tried exporting the data to Azure Blob Storage, but that doesn't actually include crash info.

I also setup a web hook and that was disappointing. Just said there was a new crash group (unique error) with a link to the portal.


Overall, a big step back in functionality. 😢

Inrego commented 5 years ago

I don't know when, but App Center has been updated to show the hash:offset so this tool would be really helpful for me on App Center.

I know this project is old, and probably out of your mind, but any chance you'd reconsider?

kiliman commented 5 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. I'll take a look at the App Center output and see what I can do.

Inrego commented 5 years ago

Let me know if you need anything, and I'll post it here

kiliman commented 5 years ago

Ok, got helper to parse the stack trace on AppCenter. Now I need to update the Chrome extension. I think I might also add a front end page so you can simply paste in the stack trace instead of having to use the extension or a tool like Postman or Advanced Rest Client.

