kiliman / remix-flat-routes

Remix package to define routes using the flat-routes convention
MIT License
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Issue when deploying to Vercel #106

Open JClackett opened 4 months ago

JClackett commented 4 months ago

Have been debugging this thing where my remix apps were failing at runtime on vercel after a certain version of the vercel-cli.

Have finally tracked it down to this package seeming to cause the issues. I dont even have to be using this package in the remix.config.js, just having it in my package json causes the app to fail.

Here's a repro

If you remove remix-flat-routes it works again.

Here's an issue I filed with vercel

Any ideas what could be going on?

JClackett commented 4 months ago

Ive tried reverting back to previous versions of this package, but doesnt seem to make a difference so I assume its something to do with vercel and a conflict with some internal dependencies or something?

kiliman commented 4 months ago

Hmm. I don't use Vercel but this is the first I've heard of an issue. I'll create a project and see if I can figure out what is happening.