killah-t-cell / Plasma.jl

An interface for accelerated simulation of high-dimensional collisionless and electrostatic plasmas.
MIT License
34 stars 4 forks source link

made changes to max distri #47

Closed killah-t-cell closed 2 years ago

killah-t-cell commented 2 years ago
TD = 0.3
Te = 0.2
D = species.D
e = species.e

D_D = Distribution(Maxwellian(TD, D.m), D)
D_e = Distribution(Maxwellian(Te, e.m), e) 
G = Geometry() 

plasma = ElectrostaticPlasma([D_D, D_e], G)

sol = Plasma.solve(plasma, dim=1, GPU=false, strategy=QuadratureTraining()) 
