To allow a user to search for specific stocks, they must have the ability to quickly lookup a stock and check all information about that stock. On this screen, they should also have the chance to buy or sell the stock if they already own a share/option.
[ ] Ability to Search through all stocks
[ ] All relative information is displayed to end-user
[ ] User has the option to buy shares of this stock
[ ] If the user already owns this stock they have the option of selling some/all of their shares
[ ] Buy/Sell function should call to dedicated Trade method
To allow a user to search for specific stocks, they must have the ability to quickly lookup a stock and check all information about that stock. On this screen, they should also have the chance to buy or sell the stock if they already own a share/option.
[ ] Ability to Search through all stocks
[ ] All relative information is displayed to end-user
[ ] User has the option to buy shares of this stock
[ ] If the user already owns this stock they have the option of selling some/all of their shares
[ ] Buy/Sell function should call to dedicated Trade method