kimai / Paid-plugins

Support for paid Kimai plugins: Discussions and feature requests
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Expenses: add internal rate for expenses = distinguish between billed and internal costs #107

Open EduNetEurope opened 8 months ago

EduNetEurope commented 8 months ago

Kimai distinguishes between hourly rates and internal rates to calculate the revenues.

Expenses should also have billed and internal rates. This would make the calculation of revenues more accurate.

kevinpapst commented 8 months ago

I appreciate your input, but you are posting currently one issue after another. This is way more than anyone has ever posted within 24 hours in the entire lifespan that Kimai exists. This is getting a bit out of control...

EduNetEurope commented 8 months ago

Sorry, I spent a lot of time testing Kimai in the past few days (and hours). But I am done now with posting.