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500 after installing custom fields #58

Closed navarts-design closed 1 year ago

navarts-design commented 1 year ago

Hey there, after installing the custom fields plugin i got the "something went wrong" page in my browser.

after installation, i flushed the cache and reset file permissions.

the following error message i get in the prod.log file.

request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception TypeError: "Return value of KimaiPlugin\MetaFieldsBundle\EventSubscriber\AbstractCustomFieldSubscriber::getRulesForEntityType() must be of the type array, null returned" at /volume2/web/timetracking/kimai2/var/plugins/MetaFieldsBundle/EventSubscriber/AbstractCustomFieldSubscriber.php line 73 {"exception":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): Return value of KimaiPlugin\MetaFieldsBundle\EventSubscriber\AbstractCustomFieldSubscriber::getRulesForEntityType() must be of the type array, null returned at /volume2/web/timetracking/kimai2/var/plugins/MetaFieldsBundle/EventSubscriber/AbstractCustomFieldSubscriber.php:73)"} []

Kimai version: 1.22.1 PHP Version 7.4.3 Server Nginx (virtual server on Synology Nas)

Thanks for help

kevinpapst commented 1 year ago

Which plugin version are you using?

navarts-design commented 1 year ago

i tried plugin version 1.24.3

Sorry abut there is another issue too with version 1.23: with version 1.23 i can see the plugin in kimai dashboard but can not install database tables. with 1.23 i get follwimg error on database installation: [ERROR] Failed to install database for bundle MetaFieldsBundle. An exception occurred in driver: could not find driver

kevinpapst commented 1 year ago

Both errors do not make any sense (to me). The "could not find driver" is an environment problem with PHP and has nothing to do with the plugin version. And the first error may not happen, as Doctrine is supposed to always return an array and not null.

Synology has - unfortunately - not the best PHP environment...

Can you upgrade your Kimai, which is pretty old and the used libraries might have some incompatibilities with the Synology PHP. The plugin works find in hundreds of installations and we should rule out that this might be some bug in a dependency that was already fixed.

navarts-design commented 1 year ago

Hmm ok, then i will try to upgrade to version 1.30.5 can i still use this installation with PHP 7.4 or do i have to change PHP version for this also?

navarts-design commented 1 year ago

hey there! Sorry im a noop!!!! for installing the database table i forgot to prefix the install command with my php version (because i'm on synology).


so with "php74 bin/console kimai:bundle:metafields:install"

the instalation works!

kevinpapst commented 1 year ago

Ah right, thats why the "driver not found" appeared 😁

Thanks for your feedback!