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Missing main website menu on the Documentation page #146

Closed milotype closed 1 year ago

milotype commented 1 year ago

Problem: When switching to the Documentation webpage, there is no menu to change the language nor navigate to other webpages (Home, About Kimai, Demo, etc.).

Depending upon the width of the screen (browsers window) there is only the menu for the Documentation page

Missing languages main menu and cloud

or the Cloud button and the menu for the Documentation page itself

Missing languages and main menu

What should happen: In both cases there should be a menu to change the language and to navigate to other webpages (Home, About Kimai, Demo, etc.) just as on the other webpages.


Maybe you can use the fa-language icon or the fa-globe icon (which you use for the website) to select languages, just as you use the fa-cloud icon of the Font Awesome font. When clicking the "language" icon, a dropdown menu should appear to select the language.

I would like to help you out with this issue, but I'm not a programmer :-(

kevinpapst commented 1 year ago

Hi Milo,

all of that is on purpose for now.

  1. Translations: Documentation is not translated the URLs currently do not exist in multiple languages. This is a bigger refactoring issue that I will not tackle right now, but we will keep the issue open for later when I have the time and inspiration to work on that issue.

  2. Menu: If you are navigating the documentation is is very likely that you do not want to see anything else but the documentation => increased focus. Also every page in Kimai links to the documentation, so when someone visits the documentation, a link to e.g. the marketplace (especially when coming from the cloud) will be very irritating. So I deliberately removed the main navigation from the docs. Last but not least: too many pages to somehow squeeze them in only one submenu or way less user-friendly

  3. Icon: I already tried the dropdown approach in the past and will probably try to add it in the future with the next languages/translation of the website. For now it works pretty well in desktop and mobile.

Anyway: I will work on 1 & 3 at some point and then I gill give you an update.

Thanks for your support and your input, I really really appreciate that, much more than words in a comment field can express 😊

kevinpapst commented 1 year ago

@milotype I did a larger refactoring of the website (upgrading the used framework and such), added the language dropdown and improved the responsive navigation.

But the main refactoring happened in the documentation, which I visually changed entirely. Hopefully the new navigation structure is more accessible for the different audiences.

There is now a backlink to the main website in the footer. But I still believe that most users reach the documentation either from:

And that those users are not interested in the main website. I checked a couple of larger documentation websites and they do more or less the same.

So that leaves us with the last open point "docu not translated". This is still the case and I have no good idea how to fix that. Not only from a technical view but also from a content perspective. Who is going to translate the docs and who is going to merge changes?

Even though it would be a huge benefit for some users, I have no resources to work on that topic. Therefor I believe I am going to reject that as "wont fix".

ButI'd be happy to receive feedback on the updated docs.