kimchi-project / kimchi

An HTML5 management interface for KVM guests
3.08k stars 366 forks source link

how on earth do you allow authentication??? #1211

Closed matjam closed 6 years ago

matjam commented 6 years ago

There's zero documentation on how to configure authentication for this application. None. Zero. Zip.

Nothing in the logs to why authentication failed.

I'm supposed be able to use pam auth with local users. How?

ubuntu 16.04.1

saulhuerta commented 6 years ago


Kimchi is a plugin that you can integrate easily in your wok project.

If you have been installed wok, just check the documentation for install.

I suggest you do this:

1.- Include Ubuntu/Debian dependences.

2.- Plugin for management your vm.


matjam commented 6 years ago

I looked there. No documentation there, either.

I gave up. Thanks anyway.

saulhuerta commented 6 years ago


To login, just use your local user (root) or another user with privileges.


matjam commented 6 years ago

Try installing the stack on ubuntu 17.10 with a view of someone who knows nothing about wok or kimchi and see how far you get.

saulhuerta commented 6 years ago

Don't worry!

I installed it in CentOS 7 without documentation. I understand the problem, but the community allways help you.

You can send me a message by email, I can help you.
