kimchi-project / kimchi

An HTML5 management interface for KVM guests
3.08k stars 366 forks source link

I get the wok website not the kimchi website #1216

Open aristosv opened 6 years ago

aristosv commented 6 years ago

I also posted this in wok, because I don't know if it's wok or kimchi problem.

I am using this to install wok and kimchi on Debian 9.3

#install wok

apt install -y gcc make autoconf automake gettext git pkgconf xsltproc logrotate python-cherrypy3 python-cheetah python-pam python-m2crypto python-jsonschema python-psutil python-ldap python-lxml openssl websockify nginx-common
sed -i '/listen \[::\]:80 default_server;/s/^/#/' /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
apt install -y nginx-full
git clone
cd wok
./ --system
make install
python /root/wok/src/wokd

#install kimchi

apt install -y gcc make autoconf automake gettext git pkgconf xsltproc python-configobj novnc python-libvirt libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-dev libvirt-clients nfs-common qemu-kvm python-parted python-ethtool sosreport python-ipaddr python-lxml open-iscsi python-guestfs libguestfs-tools spice-html5 python-magic python-paramiko python-imaging
git clone
cd kimchi
./ --system
make install

The installation for both software is successful. The problem is that when I access I get the wok website, not the kimchi website. I'm I missing something here?

genewitch commented 6 years ago

Wok is what comes up on that port - as in, it's working as intended.

ratnose commented 6 years ago

Same for me - so how do we reach Kimchi? 80 no. 8001 Wok.

ravanelli commented 4 years ago

Kimchi is a Wok plugin, make sure you have kimchi installed in this path: src/wok/plugins/kimchi/ You can also do a git clone --recursive

alinefm commented 4 years ago

You can also try the new packages available at that were properly tested on Debian 10