kimchi-project / kimchi

An HTML5 management interface for KVM guests
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Wok fails to import kimchi plugin, error: invalid flag provided #1254

Open ersaxp opened 5 years ago

ersaxp commented 5 years ago

openSuSE Leap 15.0, all updates applied. All dependencies are met with exception of winswitch - the opensuse repository is no longer there.

Wok 2.5 installed from rpm: wok-2.5.0-3.20.noarch. Ginger-base installed: wok-plugins-gingerbase-2.3.0-lp150.11.2.noarch Ginger plugin installed: wok-plugins-ginger-2.4.0-lp150.15.2.noarch Kimchi installed from latest source

I tried the rpm as well, but saw of failures with respect to load the plugin. I can reproduce the condition if you request it, but I was hoping to get to a working system first.

Wok is running, and gingerbase is also working. In fact, I can apply O/S updates via gingerbase without issue. I am not seeing the virtualization tab for kimchi, and looking at the wok-error.log (debug mode) I find:

Push server created on address /run/user/0/woknotifications Ginger Base: Running capabilities tests System Report Tool ...: False Run command: 'zypper --help' out: Usage: zypper [--global-options] [--command-options] [arguments] zypper [--command-options] [arguments]

Global Options: --help, -h Help. --version, -V Output the version number. --promptids Output a list of zypper's user prompts. --config, -c Use specified config file instead of the default. --userdata User defined transaction id used in history and plugins. --quiet, -q Suppress normal output, print only error messages. --verbose, -v Increase verbosity. --color --no-color Whether to use colors in output if tty supports it. --no-abbrev, -A Do not abbreviate text in tables. --table-style, -s Table style (integer). --non-interactive, -n Do not ask anything, use default answers automatically. --non-interactive-include-reboot-patches Do not treat patches as interactive, which have the rebootSuggested-flag set. --xmlout, -x Switch to XML output. --ignore-unknown, -i Ignore unknown packages.

--reposd-dir, -D <dir>  Use alternative repository definition file
--cache-dir, -C <dir>   Use alternative directory for all caches.
--raw-cache-dir <dir>   Use alternative raw meta-data cache directory.
--solv-cache-dir <dir>  Use alternative solv file cache directory.
--pkg-cache-dir <dir>   Use alternative package cache directory.

 Repository Options:
--no-gpg-checks     Ignore GPG check failures and continue.
--gpg-auto-import-keys  Automatically trust and import new repository
            signing keys.
--plus-repo, -p <URI>   Use an additional repository.
--plus-content <tag>    Additionally use disabled repositories providing a specific keyword.
            Try '--plus-content debug' to enable repos indicating to provide debug packages.
--disable-repositories  Do not read meta-data from repositories.
--no-refresh        Do not refresh the repositories.
--no-cd         Ignore CD/DVD repositories.
--no-remote     Ignore remote repositories.
--releasever        Set the value of $releasever in all .repo files (default: distribution version)

 Target Options:
--root, -R <dir>    Operate on a different root directory.
            Do not read installed packages.
--installroot <dir> Operate on a different root directory, but share repositories with the host.

Commands: help, ? Print help. shell, sh Accept multiple commands at once.

 Repository Management:
repos, lr       List all defined repositories.
addrepo, ar     Add a new repository.
removerepo, rr      Remove specified repository.
renamerepo, nr      Rename specified repository.
modifyrepo, mr      Modify specified repository.
refresh, ref        Refresh all repositories.
clean           Clean local caches.

 Service Management:
services, ls        List all defined services.
addservice, as      Add a new service.
modifyservice, ms   Modify specified service.
removeservice, rs   Remove specified service.
refresh-services, refs  Refresh all services.

 Software Management:
install, in     Install packages.
remove, rm      Remove packages.
verify, ve      Verify integrity of package dependencies.
source-install, si  Install source packages and their build
install-new-recommends, inr
            Install newly added packages recommended
            by installed packages.

 Update Management:
update, up      Update installed packages with newer versions.
list-updates, lu    List available updates.
patch           Install needed patches.
list-patches, lp    List needed patches.
dist-upgrade, dup   Perform a distribution upgrade.
patch-check, pchk   Check for patches.

search, se      Search for packages matching a pattern.
info, if        Show full information for specified packages.
patch-info      Show full information for specified patches.
pattern-info        Show full information for specified patterns.
product-info        Show full information for specified products.
patches, pch        List all available patches.
packages, pa        List all available packages.
patterns, pt        List all available patterns.
products, pd        List all available products.
what-provides, wp   List packages providing specified capability.

 Package Locks:
addlock, al     Add a package lock.
removelock, rl      Remove a package lock.
locks, ll       List current package locks.
cleanlocks, cl      Remove unused locks.

 Other Commands:
versioncmp, vcmp    Compare two version strings.
targetos, tos       Print the target operating system ID string.
licenses        Print report about licenses and EULAs of
            installed packages.
download        Download rpms specified on the commandline to a local directory.
source-download     Download source rpms for all installed packages
            to a local directory.

subcommand      Lists available subcommands.

Type 'zypper help ' to get command-specific help.

Loading ZypperUpdate features. System Update Tool ...: True GGBREPOS0014E: GGBREPOS0014E Repo Management Tool .: None Ginger Base: Capabilities tests completed GGBREPOS0014E: GGBREPOS0014E GGBREPOS0014E: GGBREPOS0014E Failed to import plugin plugins.ginger.Ginger, error: Invalid flag provided. Failed to import plugin plugins.kimchi.Kimchi, error: Invalid flag provided. [28/Sep/2018:19:33:42] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP. [28/Sep/2018:19:33:42] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM. [28/Sep/2018:19:33:42] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1. [28/Sep/2018:19:33:42] ENGINE Bus STARTING [28/Sep/2018:19:33:42] ENGINE Serving on [28/Sep/2018:19:33:42] ENGINE Bus STARTED [28/Sep/2018:19:34:50] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Session cleanup'.

You can see that both Kimchi and Ginger plugins are failing to load due to an invalid flag provided. I'm happy to provide whatever additional information is needed, including config files. Thank you for your help and insights!

alinefm commented 4 years ago

Hey @ersaxp

Could you try the latest Kimchi and Wok releases: ? It was tested on openSUSE LEAP 15.1 and I couldn't get this error you reported.

ersaxp commented 4 years ago

I'd be happy to give it a try.

On Thu, 2020-01-09 at 19:07 -0800, Aline Manera wrote:

Hey @ersaxp

Could you try the latest Kimchi and Wok releases: kimchi-project/kimchi/releases/tag/3.0.0 ? It was tested on openSUSE LEAP 15.1

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