kimchi-project / kimchi

An HTML5 management interface for KVM guests
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Future of Kimchi #1265

Closed githubetc closed 4 years ago

githubetc commented 5 years ago

Is Kimchi still being actively developed or maintained ?

It has been a while since the last commit.

urbinek commented 5 years ago

up with this question

eBeagle commented 5 years ago

Last response I've got was last October. Please see issue #1207.

I'm currently looking at XCP-ng as an alternative.

bugz8unny69 commented 5 years ago

XCP-ng is a complete alternative, hehehe.

githubetc commented 5 years ago

XCP-ng is for Xen ? Kimchi is for KVM ? I don't think they are compatible ?

bugz8unny69 commented 5 years ago

No, there are not, but I think he means a complete different solution to KVM/Web interface, eg XEN/XCP-ng.

githubetc commented 5 years ago

I see, thanks for the confirmation. I guess the search for a Kimchi alternative is still on ... Or if there is enough interest, may be some users (like me) can work together and help fund a continued maintenance of Kimchi.

hardboydu commented 5 years ago

How about ovirt?

flayisflay commented 5 years ago

I looked at ovirt and found it to be too sophisticated for my use case. I would probably be more inclined to implement it in an enterprise environment or with a dedicated team than I would be for a small group, or even as an individual (One not trying to build an OG home lab, that is).

My use case for kimchi was within a lab environment at my local hackerspace for use by our classroom. I wanted something which was approachable and had in-browser vnc support to give students an easy mechanism to log in via pam/ldap and access their allocated machine(s) without a complex interface. Additionally, make it easy for an instructor to just jump in rather than spending a lot of time learning the interface (or just requiring one of the admins) to do it.

So far I've looked at proxmox, ovirt, virtmanager, virsh. I haven't tried the xen ecosystem, and ended up just grabbing a VMware license.

There doesn't seem to be anything else as good as kimchi at solving this particular problem, but I'd be keen to hear it if there are recommendations.

bugz8unny69 commented 5 years ago

@githubetc Have a look at, it's not feature rich, however it does get the job for the most part. At least for my use case.

@flayisflay I'm surprise that Proxmox didn't meet your requirements. Compared to Proxmox, VMWare is overkill, and it's free.

alinefm commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone!

I've just replied on but I will copy and paste it here so you can have a glue on what happened and what is going to happen.

"I know there has been a long time without a new Kimchi release. That happened because IBM stopped sponsoring Kimchi at the beginning of 2017 and after that, I started a new job and moved to a new country. I needed some time to reorganize myself and get proper attention back to Kimchi. Sorry about that.

But, I will do all I can to keep the project and the community alive. I've just accepted some PRs (and others need to be rebased in order to get accepted) and I am working on make Wok and Kimchi python3 compatible and allow Kimchi to connect to a external libvirt URL rather than the one in which Kimchi is installed. These will be the main features of next Kimchi release."

maikgreubel commented 5 years ago

Hello @alinefm

this is very surprising! But I'm very happy to read that you are back to support this very usefull piece of software!

So welcome back and have a lot of fun! :)

alinefm commented 4 years ago

I am closing this issue as there are others 2 about the same topic :-)

Updates on #1278 #1207