kimchi-project / kimchi

An HTML5 management interface for KVM guests
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Can we get a new release #1278

Closed Oxymoron290 closed 4 years ago

Oxymoron290 commented 4 years ago

It's been two years since the last release located at

Can we get a new one? Some dependencies have changed since 2.5.0

Edit: For anyone who stumbles across this issue, here is more reading material - #1265 & #1207

alinefm commented 4 years ago

I am working on this. As we switched to python3 I need to validate it for Ubuntu, Fedora and OpenSUSE.

Oxymoron290 commented 4 years ago

Do you have an ETA or list of tasks I can help with?

alinefm commented 4 years ago

I am current testing the latest python3 changes on Fedora 30 and openSUSE will be the next one. If you want to help, you can start testing on latest openSUSE LEAP version

Modusmundi commented 4 years ago

I know this is off topic but hearing Kimchi is getting a new release is probably the best thing I have heard in probably months RE: projects I follow.

I love Kimchi as a management interface for my home test lab- I wish I knew python better so I could help.

alinefm commented 4 years ago

I am looking forward for the next release too and doing all I can to make it as soon as possible.

W9CR commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the update, I know all to well how much work goes into this. FYI our project, AllStar Link uses this to manage our VMs and provides connectivity for about 3500 active nodes on a given day.

alinefm commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the update, I know all to well how much work goes into this. FYI our project, AllStar Link uses this to manage our VMs and provides connectivity for about 3500 active nodes on a given day.

Wow! I am glad to know about it. Hope we are doing a good job together (Kimchi and AllStart Link) ;-)

alinefm commented 4 years ago

Just an update, it is taking longer than I expected due to some personal matters but I am working on it when time permits.

Queuecumber commented 4 years ago

@alinefm do you need help? I'm happy to help if you have something for me to do

alinefm commented 4 years ago

@Queuecumber could you get the latest code (master branch) and try to build, generate the rpm and install it in a openSUSE LEAP 15.1 or CentOS 8 system? You can do it with nested virtualization if you don't have any system with those OS.

I finished up on Ubuntu 19.10, some people are testing on Debian and I am going to Fedora 30 right now.

alinefm commented 4 years ago

BTW, we have a Slack workspace now, if anyone wants to join: channel #kimchi at

To join slack:

marclaporte commented 4 years ago

3.0 has been released:

marclaporte commented 4 years ago

@alinefm: I don't see how to join (be added to) the Slack room.

alinefm commented 4 years ago

3.0 has been released:

Not yet!! hehe I am generating the packages to proper create the release tonight

alinefm commented 4 years ago

@alinefm: I don't see how to join (be added to) the Slack room.

what does happen when you click the link?

It should redirect you to Slack and then you login/create an account and it is all. The channel name is kimchi

alinefm commented 4 years ago

Yay!! 🎉 Wok and Kimchi 3.0 are released!

Enjoy it and let me know if you find any problems!

I am still working on a guide on how to install Wok and Kimchi on CentOS as there are some dependencies missing in there.

Modusmundi commented 4 years ago

@alinefm I've wrote one for Ubuntu (On the older version), I can probably do one for Cent if you give me a few days.

alinefm commented 4 years ago

@Modusmundi For sure! Take your time! And Thank you!

From what I noticed, we need to manually download novnc and/or spice-html5 and proper install it under /usr/share to have it working with Kimchi as CentOS does not have those packages.

And probably install python3-cheetah and python3-cherrypy via pip too.

alinefm commented 4 years ago

For those who wants to join the Slack channel, here is the right link (Thanks, @marclaporte for confirming it)