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Debian 10 - No Login as root #1328

Open grootsys24 opened 4 years ago

grootsys24 commented 4 years ago

The Login as root on kimchi 3.0 don't work

WOKAUTH0008E: The username or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again

Its the right Password.

A other non root user work, but i can't do nothing on kimchi

On wokd Error-Log:

Plugin configuration file /etc/wok/plugins.d/__pycache__.conf doesn't exist.
WOKAUTH0001E: Authentication failed for user 'root'. [Error code: 1]
*** Kimchi: Running feature tests ***
Service Libvirtd running ...: True
operation failed: no storage pools were found on host ''
NFS Target Probe support ...: True
Fibre Channel Host support .: True
Kernel VFIO support ........: True
Network Manager running ....: False
Memory Hotplug support .....: True
*** Kimchi: Feature tests completed ***

Unknown device type: drm
Unknown device type: drm
Unknown device type: drm
Unknown device type: drm
Unknown device type: drm
Plugin configuration file /etc/wok/plugins.d/__pycache__.conf doesn't exist.
[11/Jun/2020:23:53:03] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM.
[11/Jun/2020:23:53:03] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP.
[11/Jun/2020:23:53:03] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1.
[11/Jun/2020:23:53:03] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[11/Jun/2020:23:53:03] ENGINE Serving on

*** Kimchi: Running dependable feature tests ***
QEMU stream support .......: False
Libvirt Stream Protocols ..: ['http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'tftp']
*** Kimchi: Dependable feature tests completed ***

[11/Jun/2020:23:53:03] ENGINE Bus STARTED

The Startpage show me a Kimichi 3.0.0 Logo but now gingerbase logo?

How can i fixt the errors ?

grootsys24 commented 4 years ago

Can someone please help me why the setup of Kimchi under Debian 10 in version 3.0 does not work.

txchen commented 4 years ago

I am having the same issue, I think it is due to

Adding the service param back can fix the issue

cc @alinefm

flaep commented 4 years ago

I installed and set up sudo and I can login and see settings with my default user.

grootsys24 commented 4 years ago

I installed and set up sudo and I can login and see settings with my default user.

I'm confused. root doesn't need sudo, it's super user. Or what exactly do you mean in detail? what were your setup steps?

flaep commented 4 years ago

I installed and set up sudo and I can login and see settings with my default user.

I'm confused. root doesn't need sudo, it's super user. Or what exactly do you mean in detail? what were your setup steps?

My guess here is, that kimchi/wok logs in via ssh, to the machine it is running on.

Since logging in as root is disabled by default, one loggs in as user and sudo is then used to run the commands. Again, that is my guess.

Apt install sudo Usermod -aG sudo YourUsername

Log YourUsername out and back in. Done.

Th e exact commands might be different. You just need to setup sudo on debian.

grootsys24 commented 4 years ago

I have allowed ssh for root login so it should work without sudo

flaep commented 4 years ago

I have allowed ssh for root login so it should work without sudo

then my theory was wrong. Then they do something different.

As I already said. I got it to work installing sudo and adding my usual user account to the sudoers

grootsys24 commented 3 years ago

got it to work installing sudo and adding my usual user account to the sudoers

So after weeks, i kill my local non root user. Add a new user give this user sudoers and now kimchi will work :) thank you for indirectly giving me this idea