kimmoli / tohkbd2

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Option to perform blue (sym) function of key when holding it down #42

Open dryo opened 9 years ago

dryo commented 9 years ago

I have the following feature request:

It should be optionally selectable if when a key is pressed and held down a) the character is repeated until the key is released (as it is now) or b) the key performs its blue (sym) function/character.

Of course repeat rate is obsolete in mode b) and could be grayed out.

kimmoli commented 9 years ago

This is really difficult to implement in the current logic, as the key is processed immediately when you press it. This would need to change it to when you release it, or send backspace to erase the plain-key-char and resubmit sym-key-char if key is held down.

dryo commented 9 years ago

I fired up my N900 and had a look at how it's done there: It seems that backspace and the new char are submitted after initially printing the normal letter. When I press and hold e.g. the key "d" at first the character "d" is printed and after ~1sec. it's substituted by "#". I don't know if it's really sending d -> backspace -> # or if it's done another way, though.