kimmoli / valuelogger

Simple application for Jolla to log and plot some values you need to track
MIT License
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altered time isn't stored since version 0.5.3 #19

Open feneks opened 8 years ago

feneks commented 8 years ago

When you add values and alter time there is no value for time. Date works as expected. Saving values without altering time works too.

I don't know java-script but I recognized these:



kimmoli commented 8 years ago

I'll take a look, thanks (the whole time/date thing needs to be rewritten)

dyraig commented 8 years ago

In my experience, the time stamps only get lost when they are set to <10:00h (i.e. 9:59:00 will get deleted, 10:00:00 stays). As a workaround, one can set all affected times to at least 10:00:00.

kimmoli commented 8 years ago


dyraig commented 8 years ago

I've been digging a bit more - it must be related to this bit in AddValue.qml (around line 172):

    console.log("You chose: " + dialogTime.timeText)
    var tt = dialogTime.timeText + ":00"
    if (dialogTime.hour < 10)
      tt = "0" + tt
    updateDateTime(nowDate, tt)

I can see from the console log that "updateDateTime" reports "newtime 009:00:00" if I set the time to 09:00 - note the extra "0" at the start. From what I can see, the "0" gets added by the lines I pasted above. The console.log line above ("You choose"...) prints "09:00", so it looks like dialogTime.timeText already adds that "0". I have no experience with QML or Jolla programming (I know just enough about coding to be dangerous...), so I have no idea whether this is related to the version of Sailfish and/or the locale settings. The better approach would probably be to check the string length rather than the numerical value - if I knew how, I'd try it right now... :-}

dyraig commented 8 years ago

Right, search engines are such a nice invention - didn't know that QML uses JavaScript... :-)

This seems to work:

  console.log("You chose: " + dialogTime.timeText)
  var tt = dialogTime.timeText + ":00"
  console.log("Length: " + tt.length)
  if (tt.length < 8)
    tt = "0" + tt
  updateDateTime(nowDate, tt)

(the second console log was just to check what is going on...)

dyraig commented 8 years ago

Ok, that patch is not complete - it fixed the problem when actually changing the time with the time-widget(? - that round thingy to enter the time), but when doing "Show Raw Data -> Edit a value with a time stamp < 10:00", the time stamp still vanishes to start with. That is fixed by adding another length check in Component.onCompleted:

        /* Check are we adding new, or editing existing one */
        if (nowDate == "value" && nowTime == "value" && value == "value")
            var tmp = new Date()
            updateDateTime(Qt.formatDateTime(tmp, "yyyy-MM-dd"), Qt.formatDateTime(tmp, "hh:mm:ss"))
            pageTitle = qsTr("Add")
            if (nowTime == "")
                nowTime = "00:00:00"
            if (nowTime.length < 8)
                nowTime = "0" + nowTime
            console.log("nowdate " + nowDate + " nowtime " + nowTime)
            updateDateTime(nowDate, nowTime)
            valueField.text = (value == "value") ? "" : value
            annotationField.text = (value == "value") ? "" : annotation
            pageTitle = (value == "value") ? qsTr("Add") : qsTr("Edit")

Now, I haven't checked whether the original length check is now actually obsolete, as I lack the time to dig into this code sufficiently, so this is most likely not the most elegant solution. I still hope it is of some use to you (and it certainly lets me use valuelogger without that issue until you get round to address this properly).